Helping Companies Work With Their Workforce.



Maximising the Collective Energy

Hello! I'm Des Allen

IT Applications Author & Facilitator of 

"Company Pulse Analysis"; "Workforce-Wellbeing"; and "Secrets of True Love".

I'm a Corporate Facilitator & Consultant with a Passion for Helping Companies Build Relationships with their Workforce. 

 Understanding My Passion

With many years experience in delivering Personal and Corporate Training I travelled extensively throughout South East Asia conducting in-House Workshops on Management & Leadership, Project Management , Coaching, Emotional Energy Management, Resilience Training, Stress Management, Sleep Improvement and Fatigue countermeasures for many corporations. 

When you get down to the 'Front-Line' , it's only then do you really know what is going on in a company and how efficient things are being run and what people actually experience on a daily basis.

In talking with personnel from multiple areas of the same company, you begin to see the patterns that emerge and the common situations and circumstances under which work is being conducted - These patterns become quite distinct cannot be ignored without consequence to the company.

Interestingly regardless of the industry or the size of the company, their challenges showed a common thread that even transcended International Boundaries. The same problems were simply expressed in a different language. 

So with my passion for helping others, I set about designing and having developed an Organisational Set of Human Centred Systems that any Corporation or Smaller Enterprise could use to develop and cultivate their management teams and workforce towards being a more cohesive and effective organisation.  Some of these were then combined into the Cloud Based System called the "CPA"

Our Vision, Our Values, Our Passion


To globally introduce a Human Centred approach towards Leadership in Organisations, that focuses on Employee and Management needs that guarantee the expression of true potential and the fulfilment of Company Standards, Values and Reputation as a whole.


We bring the core fundamentals for positive personal and organisational growth through Functionality, Adaptability and Sustainability that is fed by:

  -  Open & Honest Communication

  -  Transparency and Accountability

  -  Recognition & Support

  -  Trust


Sojourn From IT into the
Mental Labyrinth

From beginnings in IT Operations, to many years in systems design and business integrations, I decided a transition was in order after being constantly bewildered as to why these amazing systems that saved so much money, time and effort, took so long to implement and in the process caused so much concern, fear and anxiety, amongst managers and employees.

Motivated I looked deeper at the Human psyche at work and the factors that were really driving organisations and creating a financial drain.

A new and exciting path was unfolding, guiding me towards the inner journey's we all have to face, particularly when at work. 

I would go on to spend the next decade plus studying and practising Clinical Hypnotherapy, Abnormal Psychology, Psychopathology, Dissociative Identity Disorders, Stress Associated Behaviours and Physiology and other supportive Modalities. 

Return To The Fold.

Opportunities always cross peoples paths including mine, so I accepted an invitation to facilitate leadership and soft-skills training workshops for a major corporation, and this provided opportunities to apply the human centred knowledge within the organisational setting for Management & Leadership, Team Dynamics, Personality Profiling, Communication Styles; Project Management and Stress; Fear and Anxiety, and Emotional Energy Management.

This led to a greater insight to the challenges organisations have in trying to consistently channel the human effort into motivation and productivity for the benefit of the company.

It also clearly demonstrated the need to understand the workforce, individually as well as a collective, otherwise a wide range of substantial financial drains would continuously occur.

Global Problems

Travelling extensively delivering workshops to major corporations clearly showed the common issues that transcended international and cultural boundaries.

It was also apparent that senior management had difficulty in having access to relevant and meaningful risk data about how effective or efficient company operations were being conducted and where in the company issues were evolving.

Reporting to Senior and Executive Management was fraught with 'deviations' or was too difficult, took too long, or required interpretation due to excessive data and often a lack of understanding.

Poor timeframes for Risk Reporting prevented agility in instigating  risk mitigation decisions, resulting in significant losses through delayed or deferred actions.

Often the outcome was delegation, resulting in delayed decision making.

Addressing The Issues:

Life is a bit like a circle and looking at my journey, I thought it advantageous to combine my IT experience with the Softer Skills. This led me to design and create the CPA (Company Pulse Analysis) a Cloud Based software application. (

It is designed with speed, ease of use and simplicity in mind to allow management the ability to identify and  respond faster to the many challenging situations, presented, before costs escalate.

The information extracted shows specifically what is working and what is not working and why - for any or every functional area of the organisation.

Core Areas of Improving a Workforce

The Workforce:

If you wish to improve the workforce, they need opportunity to be Heard and be Listened to - They also need constructive Feedback. 

They hold key information about themselves and how Management can obtain the best from them. 

An important thing however, is providing the Opportunity to Grow. But first there is a need for management to know about their Goals, their Aspirations their Motivators, their De-Motivators, their ideas and more importantly the fact they know within their area of responsibility, what's working and what is not working in the company.

So my approach to understanding teams, groups and workshop participants, was to listen to what and how they communicated and hear the messages they were imparting and see the 'Patterns' that emerged. 


Extracting these core elements laid the foundations for developing experiential workshops where the methodologies could be applied and assessed real-time by attendees. 

Topics include: 

  • Project Leadership 

  • Project Management & Processes

  • Corporate Pressures and Stress

  • Shift-worker Fatigue Countermeasures

  • Corporate Pressures and Building Resilience

  • Staff Engagement Analytics

  • Sleep Improvement Strategies

  • Emotional Energy Management

  • Team Dynamics & Personality Profiling

  • Developing Effective Teams

  • Developing Professional Relationships

It's All About Biology

Effective professional Leadership is hard work, as Business Acumen as well as Human Centred Acumen is required.

To get the most from any relationship especially at work where there is constant pressure, there is an imperative in getting to know those upon whom you must rely. Without them not a lot is achieved.

Humans are emotional beings and this is the key. Emotions are the "Powers of Intention in Action". They can however cause divergence and separation or they can converge and create strength. 

Leaders are required to channel this power to include both the Employees and the Company's intentions. Hence the need to initially know the workforce for each functional area.

Balancing these needs, creates successful business cultures. 


On-Line Applications

Measuring the Company 

A comprehensive organisational analysis tool designed to bring relevant critical workforce efficiency information to management in a simple and easy to read and meaningful way, to speed risk decision-making and save on unwarranted costs. 

If there is interest in quickly knowing the extent of  risks company-wide, then have a quick look at:

Staff Emotional Wellbeing

Pressure, stress and emotional upheaval does not discriminate and we all at some stage require assistance in coping and managing it. 

The human-centred Workforce Wellbeing Resource, offers practical tools to assist both management and employee in combating the mental and physical impact of pressure, fear and anxiety and returning personnel to a more healthier and effective level of functioning.  

You can obtain more information at:

Secrets Of True Love

A ground breaking on-line Relationship assessment that will identify in minutes the reasons why a relationship is strong and working or why it currently is not or did not work. 

Seeking or maintaining loving relationships requires understanding about what you are actually looking for. 

It takes "Two to Tango" so truly getting to know what each other is looking for internally, will help bind and strengthen the relationship.  

If you wish to strengthen your capacity to have a strong and loving relationship then go to:

Just some of the Companies that we have had the 

If you would like to discuss any aspect of the applications mentioned, then please click the button below. 

Origins of the Culture Risk Analysis

The CRA is a product of having spent 25+ years working in the corporate sector consulting and conducting workshops for major organisations locally and internationally. 

This background coupled with previous years as an IT and Business consultant and studies in Organisational Behaviour, Abnormal Psychology and Psychotherapy, provided golden opportunities to work with the some of the worlds largest organisations.

A small example include: 

IBM: For 5 years on IBM's World Wide Project management initiative facilitating Project Leadership and Advanced Leadership workshops.

Fletcher Challenge: 10 years delivering Leadership and Behaviour based workshops, Fatigue Countermeasures and Emotional Energy Management Workshop

Hewlett Packard:  4 years with Hewlett Packards delivering Leadership and Project Management Fundamentals and accepted multiple invitations to deliver training at their annual Project Management University gatherings. 

Singapore Airlines: 3 years facilitating Team Dynamics and Work Culture based workshops. 

Shell Oil:  4 years delivering Project Leadership and Emotional Energy Management (Working in High Pressured Environments) workshops Leadership and Cultural change across Sth. East Asia.  (For more see

This international exposure enabled closer inspection of how working cultures developed and how management - employee relationships differ country to country, yet have commonality. 


Underlying Culture Challenges

Great Leadership at EVERY LEVEL Creates Great Companies

In talking with many managers and thousands of workshop attendees over the years around the world, it was clear that an enormous amount of time and money was wasted and lost due to the way people interacted and related to each other. 

This is the breeding ground for multiple dysfunctional cultures to evolve - within the same company. 

A main indicator was where Management (including Executives) failed to maintain connection with the workforce thereby missing opportunity to develop strong professional relationships and work ethic. 

Shareholder demands, KPI's and Performance were a common focus that was shared. The real human centred issues and what was really driving the company, were being ignored in the majority of cases.

More specifically - employees not being listened to; not having constructive feedback; not having a 'voice'; feeling undervalued and not being 'part' of the company; unrealistic expectations on work completion timeframes; and little or no concern on the personal impact decisions made had on a person. 

"At times we're not treated very well, we are only there to get the job done..." as one workshop attendee politely and succinctly put it. 

Variations on this theme was often presented regardless of the countries in which I conducted the workshops.

A core message here is, that poor working cultures transcend international boundaries. 

This is what led to me designing and developing the Culture Risk Analysis. 


Hi Des here, thanks for the interest

I can be contacted on:

Tel: +61 (0)412 292 835
or email me on:
[email protected]
